
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Annie May's Mother

I don't know how long this portrait had been hanging in a low spot below other framed prints in the antique store, but when I took her photograph in my hands and read the message on the back, I couldn't leave her there. In shaky script on the cardboard backing, Annie May York had signed her note. 

"This is Henry York
at my death
take good cair of 
This Henry for I am
gone to meet her
Love, sis
Annie May York" 

Whatever had happened to Annie May or Henry, the photograph had not been treasured by descendants, for here it hung, gathering dust in a vast room dedicated to untold piles of china, silver, glassware, pottery, Pyrex, and kitchenwares. I couldn't leave it there. lI brought it home with me to Nebraska. 

And then, one day, I got brave and removed the cardboard backing. And yelped with amazement. 
Can you see the writing? Someone had filled the back of the photograph with ... I didn't know what. But after hours of squinting, magnifying, manipulating, and guessing ... I have most of it transcribed. It brought tears to my eyes because of the emotion. Here's what Annie May wrote about her mother (with spelling and capitalization as written long ago--and an "x" in places where I still haven't deciphered a word or three):
Dear god this is my
mother the mother of the
x x x and x
x. Oh how I love her. She
x gone 1 year 4 mos. looks as
if it been a life time but not a day
or night doe I miss asking god to help me
be good enough to meet her for that was
what she ask me to do to live a good life
and meet her and I thank god I am ready
to go meet her any time. I had rather be with
her in sweet slumber than hafto endure this
one sided life hear oh god may I clasp her in
my arms again. I stood by her untill death
parted us. Just what she ask me. s x
to do a promies I made promises I filled
I know god a just god when he take this
precious one from me he taken all and
all I loved mother so dearly and
I could talk to her and get comfort when
I talk to her and a good advice from a precious
mother who trusted god. and had faith beyond
doubt more than anyone I ever knew. She
left loving all her children regardless what they
done. they was still precious and good in
her sight. Oh I miss her But not for x
would I call her back to go through this old
world of trouble again May god bless all
her children that they may live a good life
and meet her for she want that more than
any one thing on earth. May god bless me and
have mercy on me guide me and give me
x and grace faith and wisdom to be
good and meet her again. She cant come
to us but we can go to meet her oh god
each day and night I pray for her
to see x--heaven when I die
I want x x (a name) to have this picture
for she understand it was my treasure
and her Grandma x love -- her
may god bless. E___ baby Pray
(a date inscribed April the rest illegible) all alone
x Jesus:
Annie May x 

And yes ... I think I have found Annie May (thank you But that's part of another post after I've verified some things and asked for help from a wise genealogist I know. 

More to come!
Stephanie Grace Whitson