
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Quilts and the Sod House Experience

Just wanted our followers to know that my co-author Kathleen Moore and I (Stephanie) are giving a book talk at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum this Friday at 5:30 p.m. We'll be doing a trunk show featuring quilts we made for our book and also telling some of the stories we learned about 19th century sod house homemakers on the Great Plains.
Home on the Plains: Quilts and the Sod House Experience
International Quilt Study Center & Museum
33rd & Holdrege
Lincoln, Nebraska
It's a "first Friday," so admission is free .... and a book signing follows in the gift shop.

Thanks for putting up with the announcement! I've been working on the talk instead of writing a blog post.....and proof-reading the galleys for my next book ..... and proof-reading a commentary on Philippians by my pastor .... and I'm overwhelmed!


  1. I just bought this book. Nicely done. Those women were amazing, weren't they?
    My brother married Grace McCance Snyder's great granddaughter, who just put together a scrapbook of Grace's quilts for me in trade for a quilted table topper & coaster set. (I may have gotten the better end of that deal.)
    One of Grace's granddaughters (through Miles) lives on a neighboring ranch. (Small place, Nebraska, huh?)
    When I was 15, I was with my sister-in-law at her grandmother's (author Nellie Snyder Yost) house where all of the show quilts were kept on a bed. I remember they peeled back the quilts one by one to photograph them. The final quilt was The Flower Basket quilt. Even though I didn't know anything about quilts back then, I still remember feeling in awe of the workmanship. Grace was still alive but her eyesight was poor at that time. I sure would like to go back to that day and ask her some questions and spend more time with those quilts. I read through Grace's story "No Time on My Hands" every now and then.
    Jan in Nebraska

  2. Thanks so much for your kind words. What a delight to have a scrapbook of those quilts. I was able to go to the exhibition at the quilt museum in Lincoln that showed some of her work. I treasure my autographed copy of No Time on My Hands. I so agree with the wish to be able to ask Mrs. Snyder more questions about those amazing quilts. I will never forget the first time I saw the Flower Basket quilt. It was on display on the main floor of the Nebraska History Museum. I thought it was needlepoint! My jaw dropped open when I got closer. Thanks so much for sharing your stories. Nebraska is a wonderful place to live. I'm so thankful God transplanted me.
